On Friday, 28th February 2020 and Saturday 29th February 2020, a workshop on ArduBotics Robotics was conducted by the IEEE OUCE EMBS Student Branch Chapter & Meditech 2020 in collaboration with Innovian Technologies in the Seminar Hall of BME Department from 10.00 am till 4.45 pm organised and hosted by the Lead Trainer Mr. Liqzan Manna, from Innovian Technologies.
On the first day, the event started by briefing the participants about Robotics & Basic Electronics followed by distribution of the kits, installation of the Software Arduino Programming into their respective laptops and explaining them about it. The participants were grouped into 5 members each and were made to work on different projects guided by Mr. Liqzan Manna. The first project taught was the Simple LED project followed by the LED Blink Project. After lunch break, Robot Assembling & Wiring & Line Follower Robot Programming were also instructed to the participants and the outputs were obtained by the help of the Lead Trainer. The first day session ended by tutoring the attendants about the Line Follower Robot Testing.
On the second day, the workshop proceeded by having a brief recap of the session held the day before. The groups were further made to work on Obstacle Avoider robot programming & testing subsequently adding Bluetooth Connectivity to the Robot & making a Voice Controlled Robot. After lunch break, the session forged ahead by designing their own android app for Robotics and gesture controlled using Android App & Bluetooth. At last, the groups were made to compete and Excellence Certificate from IIT Varanasi were given to the groups who came 1st and 2nd. The workshop concluded by giving all the attendants Participation certificate from IIT Varanasi.
This workshop enlightened the participants and gave a comprehensive overview about Arduino Software and Robotics.
Lead Trainer Profile:
Mr. Liqzan Manna did his B.Tech in Electronics & Communications Engineering and has more than 4 years of experience in providing technical engineering skills in IoT- Internet of Things/Automation/ Embedded/ VLS1 Design/ Machine Learning/ Artificial Intelligence/ Augmented Reality (AR) & Robotics and has been working as a trainer in these fields for Innovian Technologies as from January 2015 till date. He conducts workshops in these fields around India in different institutes.