Orientation for First Year Students (2019-23 batch)

An orientation program for the students of B.E 2k19 batch was conducted by IEEE Student Branch OUCE on 22nd October,2019. The main aim of this program is to make first year students aware of what IEEE is, different IEEE SB OUCE Student Chapters and clubs running in the college as of present and benefits of being an IEEE member. This was divided into two sessions, one from 3.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. and the other from 5.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

The IEEE core committee along with the organizers briefed students about IEEE and the different societies present as part of it worldwide. They were made to know about all the student chapters and clubs present in our college which are Power and Energy society, Robotics and automation club, Engineering in medicine and biology society, Women in Engineering, Communication skills club and Computer society.

PES and RAS, being a year or two old clubs, made students aware of what activities happened in the previous year and what will they be experiencing being a part of these societies. EMBS, WIE, Communication skills club and Computer Society being new to the IEEE OUCE SB gave students idea of what these clubs are and future plans they have arranged. They were also given idea about the membership and fee structure for joining IEEE and different societies and clubs under it. Every student was encouraged to join IEEE or any other clubs .

The sessions ended with briefing about the DIAELECT competition conducted by IEEE SB OUCE in collaboration with Power Grid Corporations.