Robotics Club Session-3 “Intro to Arduino”

This was the third session of the Robotics Club held on 8th January 2019. It was hosted by the members of IEEE OUCE Student Branch and the speaker was Mr. Kamal, the technical head of SNIST Robotics Club.

The session started with the students being introduced to microcontrollers, their applications and their importance in the field of robotics. Then, Arduino was defined. the reasons it is preferred for prototyping and how it functions internally was stated. Then, an Arduino Uno board’s basic parts like the chipset, the bit-size, the BUAD rate, the different ports and indicators were explained in detail.

Then, the programming language IDE was introduced to the attendees. The basics syntax to be generally followed was shown followed by the most commonly used functions, statements and libraries. A program to make a led blink was then shown. Attendees were asked to execute it and verify using breadboard connections. Then, different tasks like alternate blinking of 2 leds were given and the attendees were asked to try out writing programs for them. The session was concluded with a Q&A for attendees to clarify any doubts they had regarding the hardware and software of Arduino Uno.