Robotics Club Session-2 “Wired Rover”

This was the second session of our Robotics Club held on December 28, 2018. The session was hosted by IEEE OUCE Student branch members and the speakers were M.V. Sudhanshu, B. Rakshith and Ujwal Sriharsha of the student branch.

The session introduced the basic components required for the understanding and construction of a small wired remote-controlled rover. First, these components, such as chassis, battery, gear train, breadboard, motors etc., were explained in detail (including principle, operation, types, uses) to the attendees by use of a PowerPoint presentation and YouTube videos. The most widely available applications of these components were also stated. This was followed by a quick lesson in what soldering is and how it is done. The safety measures that needed to be followed were stressed upon. All attendees were divided into teams, with each team given a soldering iron, lead and flux in order to practice soldering on small wires.

After every team was comfortable with the process, they were asked to start making their wired rover with the given components. First, the mechanical connections for the chassis were shown. This was followed by the electrical connections of the switches and the battery. The entire construction, along with the circuity, was also being done by the hosts and streamed on a projector screen. Simultaneously, a few other members were invigilating and clarifying any doubts the attendees had. All teams successfully made and tested their wired rovers. The session ended with a brief Q&A for clarification of doubts on the topics and techniques learned. A brief note was given on the topics that will be covered in the next session.