Robotics Club Session-1

The first session for the robotics club was held on 7th October 2018, after close to 3 weeks of registration for interested students. The session was hosted by the IEEE OUCE SB members and the speaker was Mr. E. Madhusudan Sir, Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, OUCE. Madhusudan Sir is the Faculty Advisor for the club and, Robotics and Automation is one of his fields of interest.

The session was an interactive lecture telling the students about the meaning of Robotics, its origin, the advancement it has gone through over the years, and what challenges it faces in today’s world. Examples of various robots from different generations were also given, showing how the field has evolved. In between, questions were asked to the students relating to the basic knowledge they possessed about the topic. The students were free to clarify their doubts during the lecture. The session ended with a simple Q and A session regarding the topics discussed as well. A brief note on the topics in the upcoming lectures was also given.