Introductory Meeting & Registration Sessions

Introductory Meeting (February 19):
Mr. Jaafar Ibrahim, secretary of IEEE Saudi Section, gave KFUPM students an overview about IEEE. His presentation contained three main parts. In the first part, Mr. Ibrahim introduced the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE, to the audience. Then, in the second part, he spoke about the Saudi sections and IEEE student branches around the kingdom. After that, for the third part, Mr. Jaafar explored the professional and academic benefits associated with the IEEE membership and encouraged students to participate. Finally, there was a Q&A session in which Mr. Jaafar on behalf of Dr. Ibrahim ElAmin and Dr. Mohammad AlMuhainy, both faculty members at KFUPM and officers at IEEE Saudi Section, answered questions from the audience.
Registration Sessions (February 19-21):
The branch conducted 5 registration sessions for students without credit cards who wanted to register for IEEE memberships.