Jahangirnagar University
Student Branch


IEEE Jahangirnagar University Student branch is a student organization nurturing the budding students and providing them a platform to excel.

An IEEE Student Branch provides opportunities to meet and learn from fellow IEEE Student and Graduate Student Members and engage with professional IEEE members locally. An active IEEE Student Branch can be one of the most positive elements of your academic career, offering programs, activities, and professional networking opportunities that build critical skills outside of the classroom. IEEE currently has Student Branches at thousands of universities and colleges in hundreds of countries throughout the world.

An IEEE Student Branch gives students a community of peers, and a connection to faculty and industry professionals who drive innovation in countless technical fields. Student involvement in Branch activities, whether special projects, social and technical meetings, outreach programs, conferences, local Section or Regional opportunities, etc. can help develop a record of accomplishment and capabilities beyond the norm.


We learn about new technologies covering many fields including designing various types of electronics, programming, robotics, etc. Along with that we also conduct different types of researches to help bring progress.


Not only does being an IEEE JU SB member provide you with networking opportunities and the correct exposure for the growth of your professional career, but it also allows you to meet diverse people and make friends.


Take part in the many beneficial contests organized and made accessible to the students by IEEE JU SB and boost expertise and experience that add plus points to your CV.


Earn new skills and polish existing ones from a wide range of options like content writing, social media management, graphic design, user interface design and web development.


IEEE JU SB arranges various workshops, industrial tours, seminars and competitions that not only offer a plethora of knowledge but also experiences that help build careers.


IEEE JU SB arranges various workshops, industrial tours, seminars and competitions that not only offer a plethora of knowledge but also experiences that help build careers.

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