Sponsorship Sraining
IEEE ISI Student branch organized sponsorship training session held at the Higher Institute of Computer Science with Mr Mohamed Yosri Yahyaoui . After several meetings, the team had the decision to organize this training session due its importance. As we all know, sponsorship is really important when it comes to organizing big events and the whole team needed a training in order to learn more about it and be able to handle our next events. The event began with an introduction about sponsorship and the tools needed to succeed in obtaining sponsors. We then had a workshop. We were divided into several teams and each one was demanded to give the steps they would take to prepare a sponsorship folder. Then, each team presented their ideas, and the trainer gave us his feedback about the right and wrong things to do. The event continued with more information given and concluded with the best ways to succeed. This training helped us in all our events and we learned so much from it.