IEEE Region 8


Region 8  covers Europe, Middle East and Africa

It is an effectively organized, dynamic and influential entity, recognized as a leading and esteemed part of a truly transnational IEEE, with IEEE benefits equally available to all members

It’s mission is to serve the needs of the members of the Institute, the profession and society at large, by enhancing and supporting the IEEE’s Organizational Units and their activities within Region 8


The USA comprised seven Regions, Region 8 was Canada, and Region 9 consisted of several other countries, including seven Sections in Europe. This was all part of the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE). Then, IRE merged with the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) to form IEEE in January 1963. The number of Regions in USA was reduced from seven to six, and Canada became Region 7.

IEEE Region 8 was formed on 8th January 1963. At that time it comprised Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The ‘rest of the world’ was all Region 9 at that time, until in 1966, Region 9 was limited to South America and the ‘rest of the world’ became Region 10. The rest of Africa was transferred from Region 10 to Region 8 in 1981.