The IEEE Student Branch of Government Engineering College Palakkad, Kerala continuously works to enhance the proficiency of each and every student in the institution as well as the locality in becoming more comfortable with enhancing technologies via talks, workshops and competitions. We work for providing an ideal platform for young minds to nourish their technical skills as an engineer by providing a technical home.
Our Activities
IEEE SB GEC Palakkad marked the beginning of the tenure of 2019 with the WIE Week activities, and spectrum talks. Read more about WIE events here.
The first session was on “Speech Recognition” and was done on March 19, from 1 to 1:30 pm, by Mr. Anoop, Assistant Professor, ECE department of the college. The talk gave a proper introduction to the field of speech recognition and its relevance in today’s world. The major processes involved in speech recognition, theory behind them and the tools used to perform these, were also touched upon. HMM, which is a core component of speech recognition, was also mentioned. The talk was really informative and provided motivation and interest to pursue the field of signal processing.

The second session on ‘STUDENT MENTORING’ and was taken by Meenakshi Sunil, S2 IT, Student of Government Engineering College, Palakkad. The talk dealt with how mentoring provides professional socialization and personal support to facilitate success as well as the knowledge and skills students can learn from mentors. The talk stressed on the fact that quality mentoring can greatly enhance student’s chances for success.

IEEE SB GEC Palakkad marked the beginning of the tenure of 2018 with spectrum talks, which was innovated from IEEE spectrum, the flagship magazine and website of IEEE. The events aimed to keep budding engineers informed about major trends and developments in technology, engineering and science.
The first session held on 2nd February 2018 was taken by Mr. Anuraj N., Asst. Professor, Dept. of CSE Department, GEC Palakkad, on the topic 3D Printing and Bionics. The talk went through the key points of 3D Printing & Bionics; how it works, the technology and different types of science methodologies used, advantages and disadvantages and social relevance.

The second session held on 16th February 2018 at S4 EEE department was handled by Mr. Naveen M. V. of S6 CSE on the topic, Cryptography & Cryptocurrency. The talk covered through bitcoin, digital signature and its uses, ledgers used in transaction etc.

The third session was handled by Rajath K S, S6 CSE on 2nd March, 2018, covering ranges of Artificial Intelligence hinting AI in google translate, face recognition in Facebook and app store AI usage. The class provided the listeners with key significance of machine learning in today’s AI world.

A workshop on MATLAB was taken by Nithin Kurian, CEO of IAuto Tech was held for IEEE members during activity hours. 40 IEEE members from diverse fields like CSE, ECE, IT, EEE & ME attended the workshop. The session was designed to provide GECians an opportunity to get to know well about the basics of MATLAB.

Invento 2018
Project Expo 2018 and Infocus Paper Presentation
IEEE SB GEC Palakkad as part of Invento’18 the annual multi fest of our college had conducted Project Expo and Paper presentation on 17th March 2018 with an aim to give an exposure to students for exhibiting their projects and their papers. Students were allowed to take any topic from their stream of study/interest. The papers was assigned to strictly follow IEEE Standards and whole participants had done so.
The program was a big success with active participation from colleges in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Through our event many students got opportunity to present their ideas in form of projects and papers in front of highly qualified professors from different fields and to the general crowd.
After the thorough judgment first and second prize holders were selected solely by the decisions of the judges. For paper presentation the first prize was for Nandakishor M for ‘Salt Water Graphene Cell’, the second prize for Salman Salim for ‘Accelerometer Controlled Wheelchair for the Quadriplegic’.
For project expo the first prize was for Aravind T D of IISc Banglore, for his project in Machine Learning called ‘DeepView’ and second prize for Anju Vincent of Sahrdya College for ‘Brown Filler’. A prize money of 10,000 was awarded for the best project and 5,000 for the emerging project. In case of Paper presentation, a prize money of 7,000 was awarded for the best paper and a prize money of 3,000 for the emerging idea.
The event concluded with the distribution of prize money and certificates for the winners in presence of Dr. Raghuraj P C (Principal, Govt, Engineering College Palakkad) and Dr. Vinita Chellappan (IEEE Counselor, GEC Palakkad ).

As a part of Invento’18, the multifest of GEC Palakkad, IEEE SB of the college organized ‘Open GEC’ for school students where they got an opportunity to get introduced to the world of engineering. The event took place at IT seminar hall on 26th February, 2018 with a parked hall and anxious audience. The event began with an interactive session between SB Counselor, Dr. Vinita Chellappan and school students. Her thoughtful views and years of experience inspired many students. Then the stage was taken over by the students of GEC Palakkad to give them an introduction about Engineering and and an interactive ice breaking session was held for the students. After the session, the students were taken to to different engineering labs. The afternoon period comprised of Project expo, puzzles and quiz where the students were excited and enthusiastic in answering and asking questions. They were even introduced to Robotics. The event ended with a lot of memories caught on camera, with school students and IEEE volunteers.

The fourth session of the spectrum talk series was done by Biswas B, Chairman of IEEE SB GEC Palakkad on the topic “Rescuing Kerala- A technical look behind Kerala’s biggest rescue mission” on 7th Of September 2018 at 1st year EEE class of Govt. Engineering College Palakkad. Speakers individual experiences on working for the rescue mission site “” in time of the flood which affected Kerala was really inspiring for the young minds gathered at the venue.
Orientation Day 2018
The IEEE Orientation of GEC Palakkad was conducted on 25 September ‘18 in the IT drawing hall of the campus with the aim to provide insight to freshers about the IEEE society. It was a technological tinkerer’s opportune moment to witness the integration of information, inspiration and collaboration. The program started off with an introductory speech ingrained with motivating words by Ms. Vinita Chellapan, the IEEE SB Counsellor of GEC Palakkad. This year’s orientation strayed from the usual IEEE event routines. Instead of overwhelming the audience with a multitude of technical aspects, they witnessed the awe-inspiring journals of various IEEE members. Their tales accounted for how the journey with IEEE fuelled their passion for cutting-edge creativity.
Many of the volunteers reiterated how IEEE defined their transformation from plain BTech geeks to dynamic techno enthusiasts. They divulged how this platform provided exhilarating opportunities for creating building blocks of lifelong and diverse professional network. Each and every recount painted a picture of a united technical community that seeks to promote their very motto- The joy of volunteering.
Throughout the whole program, an air of vibrancy was filled in the room. Every face in the audience portrayed the same emotion, one that of intrigue. Their desire to be a part of this exuberant global community was evinced by their barely contained excitement. It may not have been a flashy program with embellishments, but the wholehearted commitment of the IEEE fraternity and the streamlined manner in which they conducted the entire event incited thought provoking awakening in all of those who attended. For those exiting the room afterward, exploring the surreal world of tomorrow through the finest minds of today didn’t seem like an unattainable vision any longer.

The fifth session of Spectrum Talk was held on 5th October 2018 by Leeju CJ, Assistant Professor, GEC Palakkad on the topic “2600 years of material development through coins” at IT Drawing hall of GEC Palakkad. With a spectrum talk on the topic, the speaker also arranged a coin exhibition related to the topic which made the audience to easily understand and study the topic. The talk and the exhibition was a really good experience for the audience.
The sixth session on the Spectrum talk series was done by Rasmi U, 3rd CSE Student and WIE Chapter Chair of Govt Engineering College Palakkad on the topic “Building your First Chatbot” on 26th October 2018 at CSE Seminar hall of GEC Palakkad. The speaker’s experience in building a chatbot for GHCL 2018 was also shared at the moment. The talk really inspired technical minds around the college for creating a chatbot.
The seventh session was done on the topic “Music Productions” by Ajith V, 3rd Year ECE Student of Govt. Engineering college Palakkad. The talk contained the personal experience of the speaker in the field of music productions and engineering. The talk was amazing for the audience and gave them an introduction to the field of music production.
IEEE Day 2018
As part of the IEEE day celebrations, IEEE SB GEC Palakkad Conducted a quiz exclusively for first years as part of Power Energy Society and related to Power And energy on 8th October 2018 at CSE Seminar Hall of the college. Aswin P of first-year IT and Avinash Viswanath of first-year CSE won the first and second places in the quiz. The quiz was really interesting for first years.
WYBO Technical Aptitude Test
WYBO( Work Your Brain Out) Practical aptitude test for students was conducted on 24th October 2018 at GEC Palakkad. The quiz consisted of model questions on practical aptitude having placement interviews in mind. The event got a great response from the side of students and faculty. Jithika S( Second Year IT), Athira S(4th Year IT) and Gayathri KS( Third Year IT) won the first second and third prizes on the quiz.
HacktoberFest 2018
Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source software run by DigitalOcean in partnership with GitHub and Twilio. A session which helps young minds to understand the importance of opensource software and contributions was done by Biswas B, Chairman, IEEE SB GEC Palakkad. Through this session, the participants got a chance to learn about how open source software works and how a person can make contributions to the source code also they got a chance to win the goodies provided by DigitalOcean as part of their Terms & Conditions.
The 8th session of the spectrum talk was on the topic “Infinite Memory USB Flash Drives” by Amal Muhammed, second-year ECE Student GEC Palakkad on 8th November 2018 at CSE Seminar of the college. The talk was wonderful and was exciting for the audience present there as the topic was new to them. The talk was also inspiring.
The 9th session was on 16th November 2018 by Rajath KS, Fourth year CSE Govt. Engineering College Palakkad on the topic “The art of innovation- The way things are is an opportunity” at CSE Seminar hall of the college. The talk contained inspirational facts on how our day to day activities and facts we see can be forged into an innovation.
The 10th Session of the Spectrum talk series was on the topic “Evolutionary Psychology” by Thoufeeq Ameen Khan of Third Year IT, on 24th November 2018. The talk was really inspiring and also fun as the speaker presented the talk with enough examples from real life situations.
Our Achievements
Biswas B of the fourth year CSE, Chairman of EXECOM 2018-19, was selected to deliver a technical talk at Pycon 2019, Cleaveland, USA about his efforts for “”, a website he developed to help flood victims during the Kerala Floods of 2018. He had already spoken about the same in Pycon 2018 India, Hyderabad.

Suraj Nagendra of the fourth year CSE, Link Representative of EXECOM 2018-19, won the prestigious Upsilon Pi Epsilon for the year 2018. The UPE award is given by the IEEE Computer Society to encourage academic excellence for students in the computing discipline. He is one among four worldwide to receive this award in 2018.

Rajath KS of third year CSE, design team coordinator of IEEE GECSKP SB has been selected to be a part of the IEEE Malabar Hub design team.
In the IEEE PES QUIZ 2017 conducted by the PES society, Jinan of first year CSE secured first prize in the Malabar hub level and came third in the state level.