Inside and Outside Bets in Online Roulette for Aussies

Welcome to the exciting world of online roulette, where the spin of the wheel can bring both thrills and rewards. If you’re an Aussie looking to up your roulette game, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll take you through the ins and outs of inside and outside bets in online roulette, sharing my personal experiences and tips along the way.

Table of Contents

Inside Bets

Let’s start by diving into inside bets. These are wagers placed on specific numbers or small groups of numbers on the roulette wheel. The odds of winning an inside bet are lower, but the potential payouts are significantly higher.

Straight Bet

One of the most straightforward inside bets is the Straight Bet. This is a bet on a single number, and the payout is a whopping 35 to 1 if your number hits. I vividly remember the excitement of hitting my first Straight Bet – it’s an adrenaline rush like no other.

Split Bet

If you’re feeling a bit more adventurous, the Split Bet is an excellent choice. This involves placing your chips on the line between two adjacent numbers. The payout is 17 to 1. I’ve had some memorable moments with Split Bets, and they can be a great way to diversify your bets.

Street Bet

For those who like to bet on sequences of numbers, the Street Bet is ideal. This bet covers three consecutive numbers in a row, and the payout is 11 to 1. I’ve found Street Bets to be a good strategy to spread my risk while keeping the excitement high.

Outside Bets

Now, let’s explore the world of outside bets. These bets have higher odds of winning, but the payouts are lower compared to inside bets. They are a great choice for beginners and those looking for a more conservative approach.

Red/Black Bet

The Red/Black Bet is as simple as it gets. You wager on whether the ball will land on a red or black number. This bet offers a 1 to 1 payout. It’s a go-to for me when I want to play it safe and extend my time at the roulette table.

Even/Odd Bet

Another easy choice is the Even/Odd Bet. Here, you predict if the ball will land on an even or odd number. Just like the Red/Black Bet, the payout is 1 to 1. These bets can help you maintain your bankroll while enjoying the game.

Dozen Bet

The Dozen Bet lets you bet on a group of 12 numbers, either the first, second, or third dozen. This bet offers a 2 to 1 payout, providing a balance between risk and reward. I’ve often used Dozen Bets to vary my gameplay.

Personal Experience

Now, let me share some personal experiences. The world of online roulette can be incredibly thrilling. I vividly recall a night when I decided to try my luck with a Straight Bet. I placed my chips on the number 17, and when the wheel stopped, the ball had indeed landed on 17. The 35 to 1 payout left me elated, and it’s a memory I cherish.

However, it’s not always about the big wins. I’ve also had moments when I relied on Even/Odd Bets to play conservatively. These bets help me stay in the game longer, and while the payouts may not be huge, they add up over time.

Tips and Strategies

Now, let’s talk about some tips and strategies that can enhance your online roulette experience:

  • Set a budget: Always decide on your budget before playing and stick to it. Roulette is a game of chance, and it’s essential to manage your funds wisely.
  • Use a combination of bets: Mixing inside and outside bets can add excitement and diversity to your gameplay.
  • Practice with free games: Many online casinos offer free roulette games. It’s a great way to learn the ropes and test strategies without risking real money.
  • Stay informed: Keep an eye on the odds and understand the different variations of roulette. European and French roulette, for example, have better odds than American roulette.


Online roulette is a game of chance that combines excitement and strategy. Whether you prefer the high-risk, high-reward nature of inside bets or the more conservative approach of outside bets, there’s something for every Aussie player.

May the wheel spin in your favor, and may your roulette adventures be filled with excitement and rewards. Good luck!