Latest Past Events
Tour to Google
Google 320 Hampton Drive, VeniceWe have waited almost a year for this opportunity, and it's finally going to happen this summer. We are planning a Tour to GOOOOOOOOGLE !!! The RSVP form will go live as soon as the date and time is confirmed. So stay tuned for that. Date is tentatively set for July 26th, 2019 (11:30 am… Continue reading Tour to Google
Tour to USC’s “Quantum Lab”
USC Information Sciences Institute 4676 Admiralty Way, Marina del ReyCSUN IEEE is excited to announce that it will be holding a tour to USC's Quantum Computing facilities. The tour will introduce you to the concept of Quantum Computing, a new architecture which has risen due to size and processing limitation of conventional computers, and give you a feel of the type of research that… Continue reading Tour to USC’s “Quantum Lab”
3D Printing Workshop
The CSUN IEEE Student Branch is holding a 3D Printing workshop Thursday this week (April 11, 2019)! RSVP to attend. Room JD1128 From 2:00pm to 3:00pm Workshop will include: What is 3D printing What can you use it for Working with the software Three types of printers are available: Makerbot uPrint Formlab Hope to see… Continue reading 3D Printing Workshop