Code-X is a Special Interest Group for programming, under BVPIEEE. It aims at improving programming standards by lessening the gap between the learned ones and the beginners. It also holds workshops, weekly quiz/challenges, tutorial sessions, and offline programming competitions on a regular basis keeping the level as comfortable as possible for both, tyros and pro-coders.
Drishti is the digital arts association of BVPIEEE that works to promote and encourage Digital Arts amongst the students. Drishti conducts various events from photography-oriented sessions to photoshop-based software workshops and tutorials, giving interested students a view of the latest technology and updates in the domain of digital arts.
RAU, a Student Interest Group under BVPIEEE is an entity which aims to provide students with the field knowledge about Robotics and Automation. The SIG focuses more on project-based learning in addition to preparing the students to face the hurdles which usually come while implementing the algorithms. Being one of the most active parts of BVPIEEE, the SIG continuously work in projects along with students across all domains. The projects include ROS, quadcopter dynamics, balance bot and projects on Raspberry Pi & Arduino, which are the most popular prototyping boards among the budding engineers.
E-Cell (Entrepreneurship Cell) aims at providing a platform for students to interact with professionals and industrialists from different fields. E-Cell organizes Group Discussions, Conferences, and many more Interactive sessions and helps in developing a Professional environment for students. Its aim is to help the budding engineers of the institution to realize their dreams of establishing their own start-ups, aiding them in conceptualizing and executing their plans by conducting one to one interaction with entrepreneurs and field experts.
BVPIEEE added a vertex to its graph in the form of GAMMA which stands for Gaming and Multimedia Animation by organizing its orientation meeting on 5th March 2014. This SIG of BVPIEEE is a new dimension which encapsulates not only gaming but all the hard work that it takes to build a game. It not only wants the students to have fun while playing games but also learn the game.
The BVCOE Quiz Club(BQC) aims to keep alive the long-standing tradition of quizzing at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering. A BVPIEEE initiative and one of its six SIGs (Special Interest Groups), it holds meetings throughout the academic session where quiz enthusiasts meet and compete with each other. Seeing that one of the premier events of BVPIEEE is a quiz, namely Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Quiz, BQC has always been an integral part of not just BVPIEEE but also of the college as it has established a culture of quizzing and knowledge sharing.
Makers is a group of individuals that are interested in building things, regardless of whether it is related to the core software, core hardware or a combination of both. The only criteria that differentiate a maker from the rest are that we don’t give up on our projects until they reach a basic level of functionality. In short, we’re no quitters.