BUET WIE Student Branch Affinity Group successfully held a “Workshop on Writing Scientific Article using LATEX” on 12th may, 2018 at ECE, BUET. It was open for students from both BUET and other universities. The workshop received an overwhelming response, but the limited seats were not enough to accommodate all the applicants. 51 participants attended the workshop in total.

The workshop was conducted by two extraordinarily talented instructors; Shoilie Chakma, Secretary, IEEE WIE Bangladesh Section and Irtiza Hoque, Industrial Activity Coordinator, IEEE WIE Bangladesh Section who is also the Senior System Engineer of Grameenphone Limited. They conducted this very informative and highly educative workshop. The workshop started at approximately 5.00 PM with the basic outlook of latex. The participants received a small kit at the very beginning of the workshop. The participants were guided through the rest of the session interactively with the help of our instructors. During the session the participants learned how LaTex can be used as a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting and how its features can be used to design technical and scientific documentation. The eagerness, patience and the motivation of the participants was remarkable which they upheld till the end.

Participants eagerly learning during the workshop

The workshop ended at approximately 7:00 PM by honoring the instructors with a token of appreciation presented by Ms. Nurun Nahar Mondol, Chairperson, IEEE BUET WIE Student Branch Affinity Group.

Instructors, participants and volunteers

IEEE BUET WIE SB AG expresses its gratitude to all the participants, volunteers, instructors and teachers who helped make this event a success and hopes to arrange more workshops and competitions in the near future.

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