IEEE BUET Student Branch arranged a ‘Workshop on Simulink’ on 30th of July 2019. The workshop took place at ECE building, BUET from 5:00 pm in the afternoon up to 8:00 pm. It was attended by about 40 students from BUET. The workshop was designed mainly for the students who have MATLAB based projects regarding Digital Signal Processing or Numerical Technique laboratory. The workshop took the participants one step closer to make some amazing and efficient projects.
The workshop was conducted by a former Chairperson of IEEE BUET Student Branch, Shuvangkar Chandra Das. He is also the founder of EEE Tech BD. He is a passionate electrical and electronic engineer and works in the field of Power Electronics, Analog Electronics & Embedded System Design. He is currently working as a Project Engineer at IICT, BUET.
The workshop was conducted in two sessions. In first portion of the workshop, the instructor taught the participants how to start with a blank model in Matlab Simulink. Eventually, the basics of Simulink e.g. Library Browser, Model Configuration Parameters and Simulation Run-time were explained. Gradually the attendees were shown how to obtain different output graphs on “Scope” applying “Integrator”, “Derivative”, “Gain” operators on input.
After the end of the first session, participants were given 20 minutes break for snacks. Thereafter, the second session began at 6:30 pm. Shuvangkar Chandra Das started the session with giving introduction to Power Systems of Library Browser. In this whole session he showed how to simulate three phase power systems on Simulink. Attendees were introduced to different icons and blocks to measure 3-Phase voltages, currents, real power, reactive power, power factor etc. Use of breaker, switch and matlab functions were shown gradually.
At the concluding stage, Shuvangkar Chandra Das inspired participants to create their own model or projects on Simulink. He talked about manifold utilities and acceptance of projects made by Simulink. The workshop was designed mainly for the students who have Matlab based projects regarding Digital Signal Processing or Numerical Technique laboratory. The workshop took the participants one step closer to make some amazing and efficient projects.
The workshop ended by honoring our instructor with a token of appreciation presented by Suhee Sanjana Mehjabin, Chairperson, IEEE BUET SB WIE AG and Nafhatul Zinan Shifa, Treasurer, IEEE BUET SB WIE AG.
We cannot express our gratitude enough to all the participants, volunteers and specially our instructor who helped us make this event a success.