BUET WIE Student Branch Affinity Group in association with IEEE BUET Student Branch successfully completed a “Workshop on Graphics Design” on 10th may, 2018 at ECE building, BUET. It was the second designing workshop organized by BUET WIE Student Branch Affinity Group for beginners. It was open for students from both BUET and other universities. The workshop received an overwhelming response, but the limited seats were not enough to accommodate all the applicants. A total number of 67 participants took part in the workshop.

Eager participants learning the useful skill of graphics design

The workshop was conducted by Mr. Shahruk Hossain, former Vice Chair of IEEE BUET Student Branch and former Head of Design of BUET Robotics Society. The workshop started at approximately 11:30 AM with the basic outlook of modern graphic design using photoshop. The participants received a small kit at the very beginning of the workshop. The participants were guided through the rest of the session interactively by the instructor himself. During the session the participants learned different aspects of photoshop such as Layers and styles, Filters, Path and Masking, Marcos and batch processing, Editing and so on. The eagerness, creativity and the motivation of the participants were astounding which they upheld till the end. The workshop ended at approximately 2:00 PM by honoring our instructor with a token of appreciation. Launch was provided to all at the end of the workshop.

The instructor, volunteers and participants at the end of a successful workshop

WIE, BUET SB AG thanks all the participants, volunteers, instructor and teachers who helped to make the event a success and hopes to arrange more design workshops and competitions in near future.

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