A very effective technical talk on Integration of Large-Scale Renewable Resource was arranged by WIE BUET Student Branch Affinity Group on 15 May, 2018. The event was supported by the Department of EEE, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology(BUET). The aim of the talk was to introduce Integration of Large-Scale Renewable Resources in Power Grids, its challenges and possible solutions. 27 participants took part in the event.

The speaker of the event was Dr. Nahid-Al-Masood, a renowned Assistant Professor in the Department of EEE, BUET and the secretary of IEEE Power and Energy Society, Bangladesh Chapter. His specialization in power grids made the talk on this event more valuable. He started the talk with challenges in large-scale renewable integration. He explained power system frequency response, short-circuit performance with simulation scenarios and results. The most interesting part of the whole session was the reason behind the Blackout that happened in South Australia in 2016. It sent 1.7 million people into darkness and resulted in a financial loss of approximately 367 m AUD . Right before the blackout event, wind and PV power provided almost 50% of the total demand in SA. He explained us the reason behind the Blackout with mathematical models and necessary PV diagrams.

At the end of the 1hr 30 mins long session extraordinary questions were asked that helped the participants to understand the necessity and basic principles of large-scale integration. The response from the undergrads were really inspiring. At the end of the question answer session Arnab Bhattacharjee sir, Lecturer, Department of EEE, BUET honored him with a token of appreciation. There was a little arrangement of snacks at the end of the talk for participants.

Mr. Arnab Bhattacharjee handing over a a token of appreciation to Dr. Nahid-Al-Masood 

WIE, IEEE BUET SB AG thanks Dr. Nahid-Al-Masood for giving such an effective talk and the appreciative participants without whom the talk was incomplete. The eagerness to learn more about new topics was really inspiring. A great thanks also goes to the volunteers for their valiant leadership and dedication, without which WIE BUET Student Branch is always incomplete.

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