Speakers, volunteers and participants at the end of a successful conference



BUET  WIE Student Branch Affinity Group organized IEEE Student Professional Awareness Conference (SPAC) – one of the most prestigious flagship events of IEEE in association with IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE  BUET Student Branch , IEEE Industry Application Society BUET Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Electron Devices Society BUET Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Power and Energy Society BUET Student Branch Chapter and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society BUET Student Branch Chapter.


Part of the SPAC organizing team


The event took place on 13 December, 2018 at Room No. 625, ECE Building, Department of EEE, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). The conference started at 9:00 AM and ended at approximately 7:30 PM.






Technical talk session going on










The daylong program was attended by students from five different universities of Bangladesh. Total number of participants were 44. The program was packed with interactive sessions, technical talks and networking opportunities and presented the participants some tips before they enter their professional domain

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