Participants of the freshers orientation program.

On 4th March, 2020 IEEE BUET Student Branch in association with IEEE BUET Student Branch WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Industry Application Society BUET Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Electron Devices Society BUET Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Power and Energy Society BUET Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Signal Processing Society BUET SB Chapter, IEEE Robotics Automation Society BUET Student Branch Chapter and Computer Society BUET SB Chapter arranged the auspicious program for orientation of newly recruited members and an introduction of the existing ExCom.

The program started at 4:00 PM. The honourable counselor of IEEE BUET SB, Arnab Bhattacharjee, Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, BUET- inaugurated the program with a dynamic speech on the basic structure of IEEE and its branches of Bangladesh Section. He talked about volunteering and how IEEE volunteers are achieving success through their works. His speech contained attractive information about recent projects and achievements of the IEEE Bangladesh Section. Then Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Professor, Department of EEE, BUET; Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section. delivered her speech depicting IEEE activities and interests. She described how to seize the benefits of an international organization like IEEE as a fresher, by becoming a member and also encouraging friends and others to join the community.

Discussion about activities.

At 5:30 PM, the most interesting part of the orientation program started. The following segment of the program consisted of speeches from the ExCom executives. The General Secretary of IEEE BUET SB, Shakil Anwar, portrayed a brief description of the yearly activities of IEEE BUET SB which contained the future plans and flourishing opportunities of an IEEE member.

Later, the representatives of the Societies and Affinity Group of IEEE BUET SB introduced their chapters and team members. Suhee Sanjana Mehjabin, Chair of IEEE WIE BUET SB Affinity group; Saikat Chowdhury, Chair of IEEE PES BUET SB Chapter; Abeed Hasan, Chair of IEEE EDS BUET SB Chapter; Shadman Shahid, Chair of IEEE IAS BUET SB Chapter; Sheikh Asif Imran Shouborno, Chair of IEEE SPS BUET SB Chapter; Tanvir Hossain Joy, Chair of IEEE RAS BUET SB Chapter; Kazi Sajeed Mehrab, Chair of IEEE CS BUET SB Chapter; spoke to the students in turns and acquainted them with their respective purposes and upcoming activities of their particular societies.

Around 7:00 PM, the orientation program came to an end by providing the members with refreshments.

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