IEEE BUET Student Branch in association with IEEE WIE BUET Student Branch Affinity Group, IEEE Industry Application Society BUET Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Electron Devices Society BUET Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Power and Energy Society BUET Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Signal Processing Society BUET SB Chapter and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society BUET Student Branch Chapter propitiously arranged the orientation of newly recruited members and an introduction of new Executive Committee on 29th July, 2019. It took place at Room No. 632, ECE Building, BUET and was joined by 70 participants.
Satyaki Banik, Chairperson, Session 2019-20, IEEE BUET SB, giving a presentation to the new members
At 4:30 PM Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Professor, Department of EEE, BUET; Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section- initiated the program with a dynamic speech about IEEE to present a basic structure of IEEE and its branches in Bangladesh. She talked about the vision and benefits of members and volunteers of IEEE and how their work is affecting their growth as both an engineer and a human being. She emphasized on the importance of collaboration and group-based activities.
The next segment of the orientation program consisted of presentations from the newly formed Executive Committee members. At first, Satyaki Banik, Chair-person of IEEE BUET Student Branch, presented an insight about the yearly activities of IEEE BUET SB which incorporated the future plans and how one can seize the benefits of becoming an IEEE member. Later, the representatives of the IEEE BUET Student Branch technical societies and affinity group introduced their chapters and team members. Suhee Sanjana Mehjabin, Chair-person of IEEE BUET WIE Affinity group; Saikat Chowdhury, Chair-person of IEEE PES BUET SB Chapter; Abeed Hasan, Chair-person of IEEE EDS BUET SB Chapter; Shadman Shahid, Chair-person of IEEE IAS BUET SB Chapter; Sheikh Asif Imran Shouborno, Chair-person of IEEE SPS BUET SB Chapter; Tanvir Hossen Joy, Chair-person of IEEE RAS BUET SB Chapter; Kazi Sajeed Mehrab, Chair-person of IEEE CS BUET SB Chapter; spoke to the students by turn and familiarized them with their respective purposes and upcoming activities of the societies.
The orientation program came to an end at around 7:30 PM by providing the members with refreshments.