IEEE BUET Student Branch in association with IEEE WIE BUET Student Branch Affinity Group, IEEE Industry Application Society BUET Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Electron Devices Society BUET Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Power and Energy Society BUET Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Signal Processing Society BUET SB Chapter and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society BUET Student Branch Chapter has successfully organized “Membership Development Week 2019” with a view to recruiting new potential student members. Similar to all of the previous years, a huge response has been received from the freshly admitted students as well as existing IEEE members. Throughout the entire membership drive week, the campus was filled with zealous students getting familiar with IEEE, filling up forms and becoming a part of the biggest technical organization for engineers and professionals.

Preceding the membership drive week, newly admitted students were given a brief about IEEE and its edge in both student life and professional career. Following the briefing, the 1st phase of the Membership Drive took place from Sunday, May 12, 2019 to Wednesday, May 15, 2019. Booth was opened in the plinth of ECE building, BUET. The amount of eager students crowding the booth almost every day was pretty overwhelming. Even after the booth was closed, immense request from students were received who failed to be a member during the designated time period. Therefore, an online membership form was initiated. A phase two for the offline membership procedures was started which took place from Monday, June 24, 2019 to Wednesday, June 26, 2019.
During the overall membership drive, we successfully recruited 86 new members and 24 existing members renewed their membership. All of these members were given free membership of WIE, SPS, IAS and PES. SPS Memberships were funded by IEEE Bangladesh Section. Members were also recruited for IEEE EDS, RAS, EMBS BUET Student Branch Chapters.
Through a successful membership drive, we aim to organize events for the members to get more connected to IEEE and be benefitted in terms of knowledge and technical work. IEEE BUET Student Branch and its Chapters and WIE Affinity Groups looks forward to involving more potential student members in future and keep them updated to what is happening in their respective fields throughout the world.