WIE,IEEE BUET Student Branch Affinity Group held its annual “Membership Development Drive” from 8th to 18th April, 2018. The event created a great opportunity for the newly admitted students to be acquainted to the vast field of IEEE and the massive response from the freshers made it a success.

A booth was set up on the ground floor of ECE Building, BUET on those days from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM for membership form distribution and fee collection. The enthusiastic and active volunteers of IEEE BUET Student Branch briefed the inquisitive minds about IEEE and informed them on the diverse benefits an IEEE membership entails.

Booth for the membership development week 2018 arranged by WIE, IEEE BUET SB AG

After an initial overview on the mission and vision of IEEE, 188 new members were added in the IEEE member list in BUET on the very 1st day of membership development drive. Among the 188 new IEEE members around 40 individuals also signed up for being a part of the IEEE Electron Device Society (EDS). All the new members were given free memberships of Women in Engineering (WIE), Power and Energy Society (PES) and Industrial Application Society (IAS). Apart from new memberships, other IEEE members also got the opportunity to renew their memberships during the event. After the official drive was concluded, an online membership recruitment was arranged for another extra week due to the tremendous requests from students.

Enthusiastic students learning about IEEE 

With the overwhelming enthusiasm of young to-be engineers for getting involved with IEEE and several IEEE affiliated societies, the membership development drive of 2018 came to an end.

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