Event Name: IEEE BUET Student Branch WIE AG Volunteers Meetup 2019
Date:  22 July, 2019
Venue: ECE Building, BUET
No. of Participants: 9

Volunter Meetup
BUET SB WIE AG Commitee members with Prof. Dr. Celia Shahnaz


IEEE WIE BUET Student Branch Affinity Group arranged a “Volunteer Meetup”, on 22nd July, 2019. All the affinity group volunteers were present and important discussions were carried out. A detailed description of the discussions were the various aspects of recent activities/workshops held. All the different perspectives were analyzed and important points were noted down about how the activities could be improved further. Our volunteers expressed their feedback and also the feedback given by the participants were also discussed. At the same time planning was done regarding the future activities or workshops to be held by the affinity group in guidance of our advisor, Prof. Dr. Celia Shahnaz (Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section).

We are grateful to our advisor for guiding us and advising us on the future plans regarding BUET Student Branch WIE Affinity Group. She has always inspired and mentored us to accomplish our goals and to dedicate ourselves for the betterment of humanity.