“Introduction to Simulink”, the fifth episode of “SKILLSHOP”- a series of workshops on software skill development, was held on 24 July 2020. It was organized by IEEE BUET Student Branch and IEEE BUET SB WIE Affinity Group in association with IEEE PES BUET SB Chapter. Abir Ahsan Akib, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, BRAC University, and Chairperson, IEEE BUET SB, 2018-19 session, conducted the workshop through the online platform of Zoom. The workshop was attended by 64 students from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, among whom nearly 70% were IEEE members.

The online platform was made accessible from 02:45 PM so that the participants could join 15 minutes earlier. Satyaki Banik, Chairperson, IEEE BUET Student Branch began the workshop at 03:00 PM by giving a brief speech and requested the instructor to take over. Abir Ahsan Akib then initiated his session by giving a short description of Simulink and why we use it. He showed the interface and the library before beginning the simulation tutorial part so that the new users could be familiarized with the platform.

 Instructor and participants at the end of the workshop
 Abir Ahsan Akib guiding the participants through the session












The objective of the session was to build a Buck Converter project from scratch and to simulate it. For the first-year students, he explained the functioning process and basic equations of Buck Converter to clarify their concept. He then proceeded to instruct on how to use different tools from the library by incorporating these tools into the simulation project on the buck converter. At this stage, he encouraged interactive communication to help out anyone who couldn’t keep up with his pace. He also showed the students how to implement MATLAB functions in SIMULINK within the buck converter simulation project. The next project was the simulation of Boost Converter which was built with slight modifications from the previous project.

The Simulink tutorial part of the event came to an end with a Q&A session where the participants asked relevant questions and discussed their problems with the instructors.

At the end of the workshop, Satyaki Banik thanked Abir Ahsan Akib for sharing his valuable time with the students and provided a feedback form to the participants. The program ended at 05:30 PM with a screenshot of the group view of the participants on zoom which was considered as a group photo.

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