Dr. Paulina Chan delivering her speech

To initiate a discussion regarding research opportunities in Industry Application during this pandemic, IEEE IAS & EMBS BUET Student Branch Chapter is arranging a webinar based on the theme “Research & Innovation Challenges during Covid-19”.This is a part of TechTalk Webinar Series which is organized in collaboration with IEEE BUET Student Branch WIE Affinity Group, IEEE BUET Student Branch & IEEE Bangladesh Section.

The topic for this second episode of TechTalk was: ‘Empower Current and Prospective Women Engineers with TryEngineering resources to combat Covid-19 and Embrace the New Norm”. 95 enthusiastic participants from 16 different countries joined the webinar.

A part of the online participants

The workshop was initiated at 5:00 pm as Suhee Sanjana Mehjabin, Chairperson, IEEE BUET Student Branch WIE Affinity Group welcomed everyone to the webinar. She introduced the speakers to everyone by reading out their bio to familiarize everyone with their research background. After that she requested the moderator for the session, Dr. Celia Shahnaz, to commence the talk. The moderator shed some light on the topic for the session and thanked the instructors for their valuable time. She emphasized on the importance of using technology to tackle the ongoing pandemic. After that she requested the first speaker Dr. Paulina Chan to go ahead with her presentation. Dr. Paulina started her presentation with a brief introduction of IEEE and IEEE Hong Kong Section and proceeded to talk about their contribution to empowerment of women over the years. Then she shared her useful insights about how we can incorporate remote learning into our life while maintaining social distancing in the COVID-19 era and the role of TryEngineering resources. She also explained how remote learning works and the importance of embracing new norms. She finished her presentation by mentioning a webinar arranged by the Hong Kong section about COVID-19 in February. Dr. Celia thanked Dr. Paulina for presenting her wonderful work and insightful talk. Then a screenshot of the group view of the participants on zoom was taken which was considered as a group photo. The moderator then moved the webinar forward by requesting the next speaker Dr Yarlagadda Padma Sai to take the floor and start her talk.

Dr. Sai presenting her slides

Dr. Sai talked about her own research journey and continued her session by presenting her research on COVID-19, a cough scanner. She ended her session by advising everyone on how to tackle this situation. After that she answered some questions from the participants and that brought her presentation to an end. In closing, the moderator thanked everyone for joining and utilizing their time with a fruitful discussion about empowerment of women engineers to combat the pandemic.
After the session ended, Satyaki Banik, Chair, IEEE BUET SB provided the participants a feedback form. The program ended with a screenshot of the group view of the participants on zoom which was considered as a group photo.