It was organized by IEEE BAU Center SB in (20/12/2018).

” Smart Solutions for Local Electrical Engineering Projects “

(Smart Sleep)

The university education plays an important role in the process of comprehensive advancement in societies, and contributes in increasing the efficiency of humans, to acquire the scientific and practical skills, that help us in the process of economics, politics and social development. Hence the importance of the education process and it’s outputs and compatibility with the needs of the labor market.
The gap between the outputs of university education and the labor market, which cause high rates of unemployment among graduates, need concerted efforts among all groups of society, in order to get rid of them, pointing out our step in avoiding this crisis by diagnosing the problems that are found in Jordanian companies and local projects, which require innovative engineering solutions based on the development of the innovation base of university students.

Our step has shown more than 70 problems presented to 200 engineering students
The results were (65) creative and innovative projects that provide sustainable solutions to the national challenges and linking between the academic, researching and the industrial sectors in the local market will be in our exhibition .

Supervisor Dr Ashraf Samara


IEEE Day 2018

In the IEEE day of the University of Balqa Applied University _ Center, was held on 14/10/2018 under the auspices of the Faculty of Engineering, which included a number of guests in the areas of development and artificial intelligence and leadership in addition to many corners filled with inventions and innovations and games also.



On of the most unique conferences we had our presence in.

It was a wonderful scientific day.

It was organized by IEEE Al-Balqa Applied University SB in (15/9/2018).

The conference was full of knowledge, amazing workshops and distinguishing speakers.

Here are some pictures from the conference.


Reaching The Infinity

Our 6th  activity since its launched.

It was organized by IEEE BAU Center SB in (1/8/2018).

We hosted in this event two of speakers Eng-Saed Khawaldeh and DR-Yara Marei.

They talked about their achievements and their awards and inventions.

Great day.



Our 5th  activity since its launched.

It was organized by IEEE BAU Center SB in (26/7/2018).

It was an interesting experience to visit this facility, as it’s the only synchrotron radiation facility in the Middle East and is one of around 60 in the world! As students and engineers we were impressed by this technology that is available for us all, as an experimental science laboratory that uses light beams, it was a really awesome experience for us!



Make Your Chance

Our 4th  activity since its launched.

This event is a workshop that was organized by IEEE BAU Center SB in (24/4/2018).

The person Who gave this workshop is Ala’a Agha Karss .

The workshop was the story of her life and how she created the opportunity for herself and how she became a distinctive.

She motivated us to work hard and how to create opportunities for ourselves to be distinctive.

It was a wonderful day.

The pictures below show the workshop that they have done:



IEEE Grande tech

Our third activity since its launched.

It was organized by IEEE HU Computer Chapter in (21/4/2018)

The conference was full of amazing things and the workshops that they offered.

The pictures below show the work that they have done and some of our activities at the conference:


The booths in our university

Our second activity since its launched.

It was organized by IEEE BAU Center SB in (3/4/2018) and (4/4/2018).

The main goal of the booths is to explain about the IEEE and its benefits and advantages for the students of the university .
it lasted for two days in the Faculty of Engineering and Science.

The pictures below show the work that we  have done in activity:



National Electric Power company


Our first activity since its launched.

It was organized by IEEE BAU Center SB in (4/3/2018).

We visited the control unit at the National Electric Power company.

We learned about the mechanics of transformers, How to distribute electricity and how to transfer it.

The pictures below show that what we saw in the company: