Previous IEEE RRVS Seminars:
Topic: EMC Considerations in Systems, Circuits and PCBs
Speaker: Tom Jerse, Professor of Electrical Engineering at The Citadel and Associate, Technical Fellow of the Boeing Company |
2012 |
Topic: Design for EMI and Signal Integrity
Speaker: Rick Hartley, Senior Principal Engineer at L-3 Communication |
2013 |
Topic: Characterizing and Resolving EMI Issues Using Modern Day Tools
Speaker: Professor David Pommerenke, EMC laboratory, Missouri University of Science and Technology |
2014 |
Topic: EMI Suppression Skills for Power Electronic System Design
Speaker: Shuo Wang, Associate Professor at the University of Florida- Gainesville |
2015 |
Topic: Electronic Circuit and Packaging Design to Meet System EMI Requirements the First Time
Speaker: Todd Hubing, Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clemson University and President of LearnEMC |
2016 |
Topic: EM Field-Based Design of Circuit Boards for First Pass EMC Compliance
Speaker: Daniel Beeker, Principal Engineer at NXP Semiconductor |
2017 |
Topic: Circuit Board Design to Control EMI at the Source
Speaker: Rick Hartley, Principal at RHartley Enterprises (Retired Senior Principal Engineer at L-3 Communication) |
2018 |
Topic: EMC Circuit Design for the Real-World
Speaker: Dr. Bruce Archambeault, IBM Distinguished Engineer at IBM in Research Triangle Park, NC |
2019 |
no seminar | 2020 |
No seminar | 2021 |
Topic: trategies & Tactics for Product EMI Compliance Success John Kraemer, P.E. |
2022 |
2023 |