IEEE Day is an annual event that celebrates the first time in history when engineers worldwide gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. One of the IEEE Day’s objectives is to show the ways IEEE members, in local communities, join to collaborate on ideas that leverage technology for a better tomorrow. IEEE Day is celebrated on the first Tuesday in October. This year, IEEE Day will take place on 4 October, 2022.
All IEEE members can celebrate IEEE Day! Participating in local IEEE Day events, hosted by the local IEEE Section or IEEE Student Branch, is a great way to meet and collaborate with those who share the same passion and enthusiasm about technology and IEEE.
Submit your events on vtools: This year, all IEEE Day events are to be submitted with vtools. Please visit and follow the link to submit your event. Don’t forget to add the keyword #ieeeday in your event form. Events can be celebrated anywhere between 1st October 2022 and 15th October 2022
Note: For vtools event submission, only active IEEE members reported as officers can submit an event (chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, counselor, advisor etc.)
Participate in contests: This year there are two contests: Photo and Video Contest. while you can find all details on the website, here are some things to keep in mind:
There are 3 categories in Photo Contest: STEM, Technical and Social
There are 2 categories in Video Contest: Short (10-30 Seconds) and Long (60-90 Seconds) video
All entries should contain the latest IEEE Day logo in it. The logo should not be photoshopped nor should it be edited into the picture afterward.
All entries should show IEEE members and their IEEE Day celebrations.
The Contest Entry submission period is from 1st October 2022 to 15th October 2022
Winners will be decided through voting. Voting will start from 16th October 2022 until 24th October 2022.
All OUs (Student branch, Student branch chapter, Society Chapters, Sections, Sub-sections, Regions) can participate in these contests.
Announcements of winners will be done once the voting is over. Winning OUs will receive a cash award as mentioned on the website.
Avail Offers: IEEE membership discounts and other incentives are offered around IEEE Day. Do visit our website at for availing these offers and to learn more about it.
Please stay connected to IEEE Day’s social media pages for more details.