About Region 6 Northeast Area
The purpose of an area is to act as a liaison between the IEEE Sections and IEEE Regions. With Region 6 covering the Western third of the USA (including Hawaii & Alaska) there would be too much territory, too many sections and too many people to go directly. Also the area level is geographically closer so physical meetings are facilitated by this extra level.

Where is the Northeast Area?
The Region 6 Northeast Area covers the northeastern part of Region 6 (not the northeast part of the USA). Six sections are members of our Area:

Boise, Idaho

Eastern Idaho (Pocatello & Idaho Falls)

Western Montana (Butte)

Montana (Bozeman)

Eastern Montana


Here are the zip codes associated with each section.

What do you do in an Area?
The area’s primary visible activities are to have 2 meetings a year.

During the Fall meeting the primary component is to do student branch officer training.

During the Spring meeting the primary component is to hold officer training and planning and student contests.

Beyond that it is a channel for flow of information and networking.

About IEEE

IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE’s highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.

IEEE, pronounced “Eye-triple-E,” stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The association is chartered under this name and it is the full legal name. To learn more about the association’s name, for more information please read the History of IEEE.

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