Paper Competition

The Region 5 Student Papers Competition is sponsored by Region 5 IEEE. It encourages the development of technical communication skills. The competition includes an oral presentation and a written paper related to technical, engineering, management, or societal aspects of subjects relevant to the IEEE.

Date: Saturday, April 1, 2017
Location: Denver Marriott Tech Center, Denver, CO.

Schedule: 8 am – 12 pm


The Student Papers Competition is open to all participants who meet the below minimum criteria –

  • Only individuals or a team of up to 3 undergraduate students are allowed to participate.
  • All team members must be currently enrolled in an accredited academic institution at the undergraduate level at the time of the competition.
  •  Only one person from the Team can present and the person presenting must be an active IEEE member.
  • 2017 Student Paper Competition CFP
  • Student Paper Competition Rules 2017