The IEEE Region 4 Hardware Design and Build Contest offers IEEE Student members opportunities to exercise and improve their engineering and teamwork skills. Throughout an engineer’s career, he/she will be constantly called upon to work with others while designing and using their engineering knowledge. Designing, programming, and building a project with others provides Students with invaluable early engineering experience. Since this contest’s primary function is to improve the Student’s teamwork and engineering skills, no student should be discouraged from entering the contest due to a false requirement of technical sophistication or prior experience. Although working in teams is encouraged, working independently is acceptable.
The Theme of the IEEE Region 4 Hardware Design and Build Contest will be the Byte-Sized Electronics Contest. The goal will be to build or program something on a smaller scale than it would normally be at. This can be anything you can think of such as building a functioning dump truck the size of a toaster. Feel free to use creative freedom when coming up with your project idea!
For more details about the competition please read the Contest Rules (linked below).
Submission Deadline: April 18th, 11:59 pm EST
- 1st Place: $500
- 2nd Place: $300
- 3rd Place: $200