Past Events

Are you prepared for Industry Cyberattacks

The energy industry is among the top targets for cyberattacks. If you’re interested in how #cybersecurity affects that sector, #IEEE offers online courses you can take to sharpen your knowledge:…


WIE SECTION COMMITTEE MEETING – WIE welcome and planned activities – Promotional Materials – Engaging new WIE Members – More IEEE Volunteers for WIE – Involvements with other professionals organizations.


“IEEE WIE International Leadership Summit”. Actividad celebrada el pasado sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2019. En Buenos Aires, Argentina. #WIEILSBA

STB PUPR Welcome Ceremony – 2019

Foto grupal de la ceremonia de iniciación de la Rama estudiantil de la Universidad Politécnica efectuada en la noche de ayer jueves 10 de octubre de 2019. #IEEESTBPUPR #WelcomeCeremony #IEEEPRCSection

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IEEE Sections Congress 2020

Announcing IEEE Sections Congress 2020 Dates: 21-23 August 2020 Location: Shaw Centre, Ottawa, Canada Theme: Leading our Global Technical Community

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The IEEE Brand Experience

The IEEE Brand Experience   Together, we make the brand stronger.  The IEEE Brand Experience website outlines guidelines and policies that will strengthen the credibility of our brand, and offers…