Kind Regards, IEEE Young Professionals;
Firstly, receive from IEEE Section Puerto Rico & Caribe our best wishes for a new year 2020 full of prosperity and blessings. My name is Andrea Del Mar Valenzuela Garcia, I am a Mechanical Engineering graduate student from the Ana G. Mendez University precinct Gurabo and I am currently the Young Professionals Puerto Rico & Caribe Chair Coordinator. One of our major goals is to increase the satisfaction of our young professionals regarding to the membership IEEE and continue contribute and support the development of your career as a professional. To know where we want to go it will be necessary to know where we are, it is because of this we have sent the link with the following survey with the aim of knowing how happy are our members with IEEE. The survey closes at Friday, January 31, 2020 please let us know what you feel about being an IEEE member, that will help us to know what you are expecting for IEEE.
Andrea Del Mar Valenzuela García
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