Applications are Open for:
Summer 2014, Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 – Deadline: May 19, 2014;
Spring 2015, Summer 2015 and Fall 2015 – Deadline: September 30, 2014
The Undergraduate Internship Program, offered by the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program, is an intensive eight to twelve weeks research experience for talented undergraduates, who will have the opportunity to participate in state-of-the-art research projects, interact with prominent research teams, and be mentored by leading faculty and researchers, in a cultural immersion at Carnegie Mellon University.
The main goal of the Undergraduate Internship Program is to provide high-quality research opportunities, offering undergraduates the possibility of developing their knowledge and skills as researchers, while opening perspectives for graduate studies and career opportunities in cutting-edge fields of Information and Communication Technologies. Interns will complete eight to twelve weeks of full-time research activities, attend state-of-the-art research seminars, receive career counseling from program faculty and administrators, and will be invited to participate in various activities.
This unique opportunity is provided by the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program to encourage and prepare talented undergraduates to pursue careers in research in the scope of the scientific areas of the dual degree doctoral programs offered by the Program.
The Undergraduate Internship Program is targeted to:
(i) holders of a bachelor degree enroled in a master program, or equivalent, at the time of application;
(ii) or holders of a master degree, or equivalent, granted less than 2 years before the time of application.
Applicants must be affiliated with a Portuguese research institution, university or company, and their work program must address the key strategic areas of the CMU Portugal Program (please refer to theRoadmap for Phase II of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program) and/or the scientific areas of its Ph.D. and Professional Masters programs (please refer to the CMU Portugal Program’s website).
– Only Portuguese citizens or foreign citizens with permanent residence in Portugal are eligible to apply to the Undergraduate Internship Program;
– Applicants must (i) hold a bachelor degree and be enrolled in a master program, or equivalent, at the time of application, or (ii) hold a master degree, or equivalent, granted less than 2 years before the time of application;
– Applicants must also hold a degree with a final grade of 14 or higher. Exceptionally, applications from candidates who are first authors of an original peer-reviewed work, published or accepted for publication before the deadline of this call, or have an equivalent scientific achievement, may be accepted;
– The Program requires full-time participation.
The candidates admitted to the Undergraduate Internship Program will receive aninternational bachelor-level mobility grant to cover their living expenses during the eight to twelve weeks of the stay period. For this purpose, a contract will be signed with each admitted candidate. At the end of the stay, a one-page report describing the developed activities must be submitted to the CMU Portugal Program.
Additionally, the CMU Portugal Program expects to provide support for the plane trips between Portugal and Pittsburgh. All reservations and payments to cover accommodation, meals and other transportation will be made directly by the recipient of the mobility grant. There is no need for the presentation of receipts. The intern will support all the expenses above the amount of the mobility scholarship.
Although each intern may choose where to live, there are several housing options that are offered at a reduced Carnegie Mellon rate. There are also several boarding houses available. In order to access the Carnegie Mellon rate, interns must state that they are visiting on behalf of Carnegie Mellon University. Housing and other relevant information about life in Pittsburgh and at Carnegie Mellon University is available from the online resources for CMU Portugal students.
To apply to the Undergraduate Internship Program the candidates should send:– Curriculum Vitae (C.V.);– Motivation letter;– Two recommendation letters;– Support statement from the host at Carnegie Mellon University;– Support statement from the sponsor in the Portuguese organization that the candidate is affiliated with;– Completed application form with: personal information; period of visit; hosting department (include the name of the candidate’s supervisor); sponsor in Portugal; work plan (activities and objectives).
The documents should be sent by email to the National Director of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program, João Claro (
Eligible applications will be evaluated on the following aspects:1. Curriculum and references;2. Motivation;3. Work program;4. Hosting conditions.
A panel of academic reviewers will assess the submitted applications, according to the criteria outlined above. The number of funded applications will depend upon their scope and quality, as well as on the availability of funds. The selection process is expected to take two weeks at most, and the applicants will be notified of the results by email.
Questions? Contact us: or call (+351) 222-094-065.
The Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program is a platform for education, research and innovation that brings together Portuguese universities, research institutions and companies, and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). The partnership was launched in 2006, and was renewed for another five years in 2012. Its mission is to place Portugal at the forefront of innovation in key focused areas of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), by promoting cutting-edge research, world-class graduate education and a close collaboration with the Portuguese industry. Its activities are funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), supported by the Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (CRUP), and co-financed by business partners and by CMU.