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The National Center for Competences in Robotics (NCCR) offers Master Internships for incoming Women Students who would like to visit one of the NCCR robotics laboratories located at EPFL, ETHZ and IDSIA. A list of affiliated laboratories is available at:


Three Master internships will be given of a value of up to 2000 CHF per month to cover travel and living expenses.Internships may last between 3 up to 6 months.

In order to apply for an internship students must first contact an NCCR professor to discuss which potential projects may be available. Once professorial support has been obtained the student should submit a complete application, comprising:

1.A PDF document containing a brief description (maximum 1 page including references, font size 12) of the project as agreed between the hosting professor and the student.

2.A CV of the student candidate.

3. One letter of recommendation.

4.A letter of invitation from the host laboratory

All items should be submitted in English. Applications should be sent by email to scholarship-nccr-robotics@groupes.epfl.ch

<mailto:scholarship-nccr-robotics@groupes.epfl.ch> with the title “master internship application”.

The submission deadline is January 20th 2015. Notifications of acceptance/rejection will be sent out in March 2015.

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