Welcome to the IEEE Portugal Section Committee Election for 2015!
We are pleased to present your candidates for Chair, 2 Vice-Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer to serve as elected officers.
All candidates have expressed enthusiastic willingness to serve. Now it is your job to complete the process of selecting the new leaders for 2015.
You must select two candidates for the Vice-Chair position and one candidate for each of the remaining positions. Voting will start on the December 1st 2014, at 00:00h GMT and the online voting site will close on December 3rd 2014 23:59 GMT.
Our duty and responsibility is to ensure that your voting rights are protected and that you are confident that your vote is accurately cast and tabulated.
Remember that IEEE Portugal Section success depends heavily on its leadership. Therefore, it is important that members exercise their voting rights, selecting representatives to steer IEEE Portugal Section in the coming years. PLEASE VOTE at https://voting.vtools.ieee.org/!
Please do not hesitate to contact us at elections@ieee-pt.org if you have a question, comment, or complaint regarding your voting experience.