In a joint organization, the Portuguese and the Spanish Chapters of the IEEE Education Society prepared a technical meeting at exp@17 ( about new frontiers in engineering.
During the meeting, distinguished IEEE members from both Chapters showed how different technologies will affect our lives in the years to come.
The record of the technical meeting is available at
The technical meeting took place on Wednesday, June 7, at 16h30 GMT+1 (Lisbon time)
Although all topics are related to computing, different perspectives and application areas guarantee that a great diversity of interesting points is covered during the meeting.
The presentation of Manuel Castro and Unai Hernández-Jayo was centered around the Internet of Things (IoT) (Manuel in education and Unai in its application to autonomous cars), the one from Manuel Caeiro was focused in wearables, electronic devices and systems incorporated in some part of our body or clothes, and in the last Manuel Gericota explained why Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are being (again) one of the current hot topics.
Manuel Gericota
Javier García-Zubía
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Com o suporte técnico da Secção Portuguesa do IEEE e do Capítulo Português da Sociedade de Educação do IEEE
Webinar – IoT in education: Challenges and Trends
Monday, April 24, 2017
10:45 am | duration: 1 hr
The Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society invites the colleagues in the Portuguese chapter, to attend online or in streaming after the event the Webinar – IoT in education: Challenges and Trends.
This webinar is intended to contribute to the IoT paradigm and will explore the IoT technologies to improve benefits of education and novel ideas that enable efficient ways to offer an optimised infrastructure. It will address the challenges with IoT paradigm in the coming years to promote education in conjunction with industrial applications. To address this point, the webinar will show valuable opinions of experts from education field and industry to stimulate ideas and share experience on IoT applications. It is highly recommended to register in advance by sending email to
The main speaker will be Prof. Oscar Bonastre. Prof Bonastre, IEEE Senior Member, is involved with the Board of Governors, IEEE Education Chapter – IEEE Spain, and chair of technical activities for the IEEE Spain Section.
Email Contact:
Click here to access the webinar.
Os 30 anos do Macintosh Plus – exposição no Museu do ISEP
Passaram no dia 16 de janeiro de 2016, 30 anos sobre o lançamento do, para a época, revolucionário Macintosh Plus. Com um processador Motorola 68000 a 8 MHz e 1 Mbyte de memória, expansível até 4 Mbytes, ecrã de 9″ a preto-e-branco, teclado e, claro, o rato de um botão característico dos primeiros computadores, viria a manter-se em produção durante mais de 4 anos e meio. Compacto, transportável e silencioso, foi o Macintosh que mais tempo se manteve em produção.
30 anos depois o Capítulo Português da Sociedade de Educação do IEEE promoveu, com o apoio do Museu do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, uma retrospetiva histórica da evolução dos famosos Macintosh, com modelos em exposição que vão desde o Macintosh 128k, lançado em 1984, até ao Macintosh PowerBook 540C de 1994, o topo de gama dos computadores portáteis da época, passando, entre outros, pela impressora LaserWriter Select 310, uma das primeiras para uso pessoal. 10 anos que marcaram a história da informática mundial.
A exposição esteve patente ao público na sala de exposições temporárias do Museu do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto até ao final de Dezembro de 2016.
Entrada livre.
Com o suporte técnico da Secção Portuguesa do IEEE e do Capítulo Português da Sociedade de Educação do IEEE
Data: 14 de Outubro de 2016
Local: Auditório Laginha Serafim – Departamento de Engenharia Civil – Polo 2, Universidade de Coimbra
Entrada livre mas sujeita a registo na página do evento –
Power Electronics Roles in Modern Power Systems
By Dr Mohamed Emad Farrag
Lecturer from the School of Engineering and Built Environment
Glasgow Caledonian University
Wednesday, March 16th, 2016
Room I401 – Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
Free entry
Dr Mohamed Emad Farrag develops its research in the areas of Power System Control, Distributed Generation and Smart Grid. He has been studying the problem of Voltage Unbalance (VU) in residential distribution networks (RDNs) mainly caused by load unbalance in three phases, resulting from network configuration and load-variations. The increasing penetration of distributed generation devices, such as small wind turbines (SWTs), or charges like battery electric vehicles (BEVs), and their uneven distribution over the three phases have introduced difficulties in evaluating possible VU.
17º Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa (SIIE)
November 25th – 27th, 2015
Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
Round Table
Bologna: Current Status and Future trends
Prof. Francisco Arcega, President of Spanish Chapter of IEEE Ed.Soc.
Prof. Manuel Castro, Past President Jr of IEEE Ed.Soc.
Prof. Manuel Gericota, President of Portuguese Chapter of IEEE Ed.Soc.
Prof. Paulo Ferreira, Secretary of Portuguese Chapter of IEEE Ed.Soc.
November 16th, 2015
14h30 – 16h00
Universidad de Vigo – Espanha
WCSEIT2015 – II Congresso Mundial em Engenharia de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
November 15th – 18th, 2015
Universidad de Vigo – Espanha
IEEE Portugal Engineering Day
October 30th, 2015
Universidade de Aveiro