Technology has entered our daily lives in a marked way, facilitating processes and opening new horizons, increasingly associated with the way we live, feel and think. Some of us, Digital Immigrants, have the mission to teach Native Digital Students. Our vision of digital technology is unavoidably very different from the view of our trainees.

Feeling the need to discuss these issues, the IEEE*– Education Society of the Portuguese chapter** is promoting a debate centered on “Technology for Education in Engineering”, having the privilege of counting on the collaboration of guests Manuel Castro (UNED and IEEE), Amaral Carvalho (EduBox), António Moreira (UA), and Pedro Martins (UA and Fábrica da Ciência Viva). The moderation will be shared between Sandra Soares (UA) and João Matos (UA and IEEE).

We thus have a valuable opportunity to exchange ideas with a broad group of stakeholders on this topic, taking an active part on the discussion of a roundtable with reference personalities in these subjects.


  • Manuel Castro (UNED and IEEE Distinguished Lecturer),
  • Amaral Carvalho (EduBox),
  • António Moreira (UA)
  • Pedro Martins (UA and Fábrica da Ciência Viva).


  • Sandra Soares (Pro-Rector for Curricular Innovation and Internationalization of the first and second cycles, UA)
  • João Matos (UA and IEEE).


  • Universidade de Aveiro, 14 de maio de 2019, 11h00-13h00.
    Departamento de Educação e Psicologia, sala 5.3.27


[Register here to attend] 

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Short Bios:

Manuel Castro, Electrical and Computer Engineering educator in the Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED) has a doctoral industrial engineering degree from the ETSII/UPM. Professor of Electronics Technology inside the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. He published more than 100 articles in Journals and more than 300 papers in Conferences inside the areas of Renewable Energies, Electronics and Computer Architectures and Engineering Education. Co-chaired several conferences like FIE 2014, REV 2016, LWMOOCS 2018 and COMPSAC 2020, in Madrid, Spain. He is Fellow member of IEEE (for contributions to distance learning in electrical and computer engineering education) and IEEE Division VI Director, member of the Board of Directors (BoD) of IEEE, member of the Board of Governors (BoG) of the IEEE Education Society as well as President Emeritus; Founder and Past-Chairman of the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society, and Past-Chair of the IEEE Spain Section. He has been awarded with the IEEE EDUNINE 2017 Meritorious Service Award; 2012 TAEE (Technologies Applied to Electronic Education) Professional Career Award, IEEE EDUCON 2011 Meritorious Service Award; 2010 Distinguished Member Award and 2009 Edwin C. Jones, Jr. Meritorious Service Award of the IEEE Education Society. He is Member of the Board of the Spanish International Solar Energy Society (ISES).

Amaral Carvalho was born in Alvaiázere in 1980. He graduated in Information and Communication Technologies from the University of Aveiro and is currently finishing a postgraduate degree in Chinese Studies: Business and International Relations. Between 2002 and 2008 he was a Research Fellow in the Mathematics Teaching Project of the University of Aveiro, being responsible for the Project Support, Logistics and Communication area. In 2008, already as a senior technician at the University of Aveiro, he started to dedicate himself exclusively to the area of Project Support, a function he has maintained to date. In 2010 he founded Edubox S.A. and became CEO of the company. He is co-author of several articles on the use of Technology in Education.

Born in Aveiro in 1957, António Moreira holds a PhD from the University of Aveiro (Associate Professor), where he develops teaching and research activities. With several books and articles published in Portugal and abroad, he coordinated the UA ICT Competence Center, the Digital Content Laboratory, which he founded, of the Department of Education and Psychology of the same university, as well as the Specialized Training Courses and Master Degree in Multimedia in Education, having also coordinated the Internet@eb1 and CBTIC@EB1 for the district of Aveiro. With his main activity in post-graduation, he concluded the supervision of 64 Pre-Bologna Masters dissertations, 47 doctoral theses and 5 postdoctoral projects. He is currently the Director of the Doctoral Program in Multimedia in Education, having been the Director of the Department, by rectoral appointment, from 2010 to 2015. He founded the online journal Indagatio Didactica, from the Center for Research in Didactics and Technology in the Training of Trainers, of which is Deputy Coordinator. He is a member of the editorial committee of 16 international journals and consultant / evaluator of projects for governmental education entities. His main research interests are Cognitive Flexibility Hypertexts, Communities of Learning and of Practice, Random Access Instruction, Cognitive Architectures, Web 2.0 Tools, PLEs, Social Networks, Digital Identities and Digital Competence.

Pedro Martins is currently pursuing his Master’s degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Aveiro while doing research on LIDAR interference mitigation and being a science communicator, focusing on technology and robotics at a Portuguese Science Museum, Ciência Viva. Pedro is also engaged in education, having partaken in the creation of a self-learning platform for electronics students, which resulted in several publications.
Taking education a bit further, Pedro also joined the students’ union of the University of Aveiro, in which he organized several non-formal sessions to students, contributed to the curricular restructuring of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering and even helped to reshape the Tutoring Program of the university, aimed to foster new students.


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