IEEE PES SBLC Architecture Subcommittee

13 Feb 2019 Meeting Notes

Steve Widergren, Scribe


Steve Widergren (Chair), Amro Farid (Vice-Chair), Bishnu Bhattarai, Bruce Nordman, Renee Cinar, Sijie Chen, Sarman Hanif, Mads Almassalkhi


Welcome and introductions

Approve the notes of the last Subcommittee meeting: 7 Nov 2018 Meeting Notes were not reviewed. This oversight will be corrected for the next meeting.

Preparation for future meetings: The chair asked the progress of preparing for future panels, papers, and tutorials and attendees reported the corresponding working progress. The chair noted all panel leads should have received word on the date and time of their panel.

  1. Emerging applications and benefits for blockchains and smart contracts for the smart grid. Sijie Chen said that his panel with have 5 participants from industry and academia. The panelist are entered in the IEEE system.
  2. Multi-Energy Systems Architecture. Renee Cinar confirmed that her panel was recognized by IEEE PES. She will enter 5 panelists in the system today.
  3. DER Interoperability Roadmap – Industry Experiences. Steve Widergren explained that he has 5 panelists entered in the system. This includes industry people using 2030.5 for PV and other DER integration, and EV charging integration in Europe.
  4. DER Integration Architectures – ARPA-E NODES. Mads Almassalkhi has entered his panelists in the system with great representation across industry.

Subcommittee paper: At the November meeting, the content and the article organization to summarize information and communications technology architectures for DER integration was discussed. The attendees agreed that the idea of the subcommittee paper was nice, but we need to find a lead to coordinate the paper. The IEEE Power and Energy Magazine can be one of the choices for the subcommittee paper. The content of the subcommittee paper would contain introductions to DER concept and DER architecture. Koen Kok, Farrokh Rahimi, Bruce Nordman, Rene Cinar, and Dave Chassin expressed interest.

Action: The chair asked for a volunteer to lead the organizing of the subcommittee paper.

Working groups status: The chair asked the progress had been made on the two working groups.

  1. Blockchain WG. Sijie Chen said that they have 2 new members to the group and Claudio Lima is now the Vice-Chair.
  2. Multi-energy Systems Integration WG. Renee Cinar reported that she is working on the one-page charter about the WG scope and hopes to have that ready for distribution soon. A working group meeting is planned for the PES General meeting, but no one has heard word on committee meeting logistics yet.

Liaisons to other groups: Multi-Agents Systems WG: Koen was unable to attend today’s meeting. There were no items for coordination at this time with this group.

P825 Standard:  Steve explained that their has been no progress since our November meeting.

DSO/TSO Interface task force:  Bishnu mentioned that an artcle concerning challenges and business cases for DSO/TSO interaction, led by Gareth Taylor, Brunel University was being prepared for P&E magazine.

New Business/Open discussion: None.

Next meeting: next meeting was scheduled at 10 am Eastern US (15:00 UTC) on 15 May 2019.  We will discuss the agenda for the PES GM meeting.

Members can see the past notes and roster for the subcommittee at the SBLC website,