Thu 14:30 – Metrology and Grid Modernization

Jeffrey Hilker
Jeffrey Hilker
Richard Williams
Richard Williams


Jeffrey Hilker and Richard Williams, Exelon Power Labs , Exelon Generation, Pennsylvania, USA


Grid modernization is happening. Goals of the nationwide/worldwide initiatives are ambitious. Reliability, efficiency, recovery, versatility, and profitability are all required. These improvements for the most part are based on better observability and controllability of the grid conditions. Observability and controllability are both based on measurement data. With so much hinging on data, metrology as the source of all data becomes a key enabler for success.


Jeffrey Hilker & Richard Williams are with Exelon Power Labs, Exelon GenCo-Nuc, USA.

Jeffrey Hilker was recently promoted to the Business Development and Customer Experience Manager at Exelon PowerLabs. Jeff is in charge of all marketing activities and customer service direction for all Exelon PowerLabs laboratory services. Jeff started his career in the US Navy Nuclear Power Program where he was a submarine reactor operator. Jeff worked at Westinghouse and managed the calibration laboratory for Exelon PowerLabs for 16 years. In September, Jeff purchased a home in West Chester Pennsylvania that was built in 1844 and has started the restoration process. He has a son a daughter and a two year old golden retriever. You can reach Jeff for any lab related questions at

Richard Williams received his Electronic Technologies Associates Degree in 1996. He has served in the metrology discipline for more than 35 years. His experience spans multiple industries including aviation, medical, automotive, and power generation/distribution. His current focus is in the high voltage and high current measurement field. Mr Williams is a high voltage, high current, and impulse Subject Matter Expert at Exelon Power Labs.