Thu 10:15 – Public Safety Around Transmission Systems – BC Hydro’s Challenges and Approaches

Jahangir Khan


Dr. Jahangir Khan, Senior Engineer, BC Hydro’s Transmission Lines – Electrical Group, Vancouver, BC


With an ever-increasing demand for using the transmission Right-of-Ways (RoWs) for public events, BC Hydro is faced with a challenge to assess the underling risks. Sporting events, social gathering or community festivals – all pose certain hazards to the attendees. Such hazards range from minor shocks of uncomfortable nature to electrocutions resulting in fatality. BC Hydro is reviewing such requests on a case-by-case basis, keeping safety for the public and the workers at the highest priority. This presentation will discuss several recent requests for public events held under BC Hydro transmission lines. Use of geographical information, advanced tools for electrical hazard calculation, and probabilistic risk assessment will be discussed.


Jahangir Khan is a Senior Engineer with BC Hydro’s Transmission Lines – Electrical Group. He holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering. He is the Region Rep for all PES Chapters in Canada, an active member of the IAS/IES Chapter, the Secretary of IEEE Vancouver Section, and a BC Professional Engineer.