Thu 15:45 – BC Hydro’s Management of Voltage and VARs


Cheong Siew, P.Eng., Manager, Distribution Automation & Strategic Planning, BC Hydro, Burnaby, BC


With the advancement of distribution automation devices, smart meters and real-time advanced applications, the management of voltage and VARs on the distribution system has evolved from managing uncertainty to optimizing the deployment of necessary capacitor banks and voltage regulators. The presentation will provide a strategy and how the equipment, tools and data are used to determine annual W and VAR load profiles and resulting service entrance voltages.


Mr. Cheong Siew, P.Eng., is the Manager of Distribution Automation and Strategic Planning in BC Hydro. He obtained his Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of British Columbia and is a member of APEGBC and IEEE Power Engineering Society. Mr. Siew has 12 years of experience in system planning and 16 years of experience in distribution planning. His work includes asset management strategies and implementation, reliability, risk, network transmission planning, and distribution planning assessments. He authored and co-authored dozens of technical publications or guidelines for BC Hydro, CEA, IEEE, EPRI, and other international organizations.