Thu 15:15 – The Grid Edge Active Transactional Demand Response (GREAT-DR) at Hydro Ottawa

Read Abdullah


Raed Abdullah, Distribution Engineer, Hydro Ottawa Unit


Hydro Ottawa Limited and its collaborating partners are undertaking development and field trial of a decentralized grid edge solution platform for Transactive Demand Response in an ever changing energy services industry. The design of The Grid Edge Active Transactional Demand Response (The GREAT-DR) solution platform addresses the pain points stakeholders – the ISO, DSO, prosumer and OEMs – have with existing approaches from a common sense basis. The presentation will provide context on the approach and make the case for gaining broader utility involvement.


Raed Abdullah is a practicing Electrical Engineer with over 27-years of experience in renewable generation and the distribution utility business in areas of researching, engineering, planning, innovating, developing standards, delivering energy and demand management projects and programs, serving customers, developing businesses and managing projects.

As a subject matter expert on renewable generation, electric vehicles, and smart grid technology, he is leading a few novel smart grid technology development projects. He also actively represents the utility on the Energy Transformation of Ontario (formerly Ontario Smart Grid Forum) Working Group, The Centre for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI) Smart Grid, Electric Mobility Canada, IEEE Conformity and Assessment for IEEE 2030.5, and the DOE sponsored IEEE 2030.5 Ecosystem Roadmapping, plus many others.

Raed Abdullah is a graduate of the University of Ottawa’s Electrical Engineering program, and Carleton University’s Sprott School of Business IT/OS stream Management Certification Program. He remains a longstanding member in good standing with the Professional Engineers Ontario, and dedicated member and volunteer with the IEEE as a Senior Member. He continues to enjoy volunteering in the professional and local communities such as IEEE, green community’s initiatives, kids’ sports teams, and other society strengthening activities.