Friday – Energy efficiency and demand management using behind-the-meter technologies and data analytics

Guy Newsham


Dr. Guy Newsham, Team Leader, Construction Research Centre, NRC


NRC-Construction has recently completed several projects in which analysis of data from building systems behind the meter, and from utility meters themselves, have been leveraged to help buildings operate more efficiently, and to optimize retrofit investments. We have also proven the value of buildings interacting with the smart grid, primarily for demand response, using these same data sources. Dr. Newsham will summarize a sample of these projects, many of which were conducted in partnership with electric utilities. Success in this area had led NRC to identify this as an area for research growth.


Guy R. Newsham has Ph.D. in Building Science from Cambridge University, and now leads the Building Technology Optimization team at NRC. He has led projects on post-occupancy performance of green buildings, sensor networks, smart meter data analytics, demand response, office equipment energy use, office environments and organizational productivity, lighting quality and control, and thermal comfort. His publications have received numerous international awards, and he has been a thesis examiner in Canada, Sweden, France, Denmark, and Ireland.