2018 Edition

2018 Committee


2018 Registration 

Thursday, November 29

08:00-08:30 Registration
08:45-08:55 Welcome addresses
08:55-09:00 A brief outline of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Grid Modernization Workshops Dr. Jahangir Khan, P.Eng.; Senior Engineer, Transmission Line Electrical Design; BC Hydro
Grid Stability and Reliability
09:00-09:30 Artificial Intelligence Based Grid Reliability Saeed Nusri, Data Analytics Lead, Innovation Team, ATCO Electricity Global Business Unit
09:30-10:00 A New Paradigm for Electricity System Operators Thomas Levy, Senior Wind Energy Engineer, Natural Resources Canada
10:00-10:15 Coffee Break
10:15-10:45 Public Safety Around Transmission Systems – BC Hydro’s Challenges and Approaches Dr. Jahangir Khan, P.Eng.; Senior Engineer, Transmission Line Electrical Design; BC Hydro
Customer Service
10:45-11:15 Quantifying Behind the meter Technologies Infrastructure for Utility and Customer Benefits Greg Robart, Siemens Canada, and Ajit Pardasani, National Research Council (NRC) Canada
11:15-12:00 Panel on Disaster Mitigation and Recovery Moderator: Jay Wilson; Manager of Risk Mitigation Programs and Assurance; Canadian Electricity Association
Doug Baldock; Manager, System Operations; Hydro Ottawa
Joshua Brown, Hydro One
Alex Kemp, Hydro One
Cheong Siew; Manager, Distribution Automation and Strategic Planning; BC Hydro
12:00-12:45 Luncheon
12:45-13:00 NRC TimeLink™ – Traceable Time Dissemination with Nanosecond Accuracy Marina Gertsvolf, National Research Council (NRC) Canada
13:00-13:30 Smart Cities and relevance to distribution utilities Vidya Vankayala; Director, Grid Modernization; Powertech Labs
Communication and Cybersecurity
13:30-14:00 Hydro Ottawa SCADA Conversion Shannon Fowler, Hydro Ottawa
14:00-14:30 Hydro One’s Experience on IEC 61850 Station and Future Plan Matthew Leung, Manager- Protection and Stations Standards, Hydro One, and
David Ma, Senior Protection and Control Specialist, Hydro One
Grid Monitoring and Analysis
14:30-15:00 Metrology and Grid Modernization Richard Williams and Jeffrey Hilker, Exelon GenCo-Nuc, USA
15:00-15:15 Break
15:15-15:45 The Grid Edge Active Transactional Demand Response (GREAT-DR) at Hydro Ottawa Raed Abdullah, Distribution Engineer, Hydro Ottawa
15:45-16:15 BC Hydro’s management of Voltage and VARs, including utilization of smart meter data, analytics, and real-time VVO Cheong Siew; Manager, Distribution Automation & Strategic Planning; BC Hydro
16:15-16:45 System integration and grid simulation for ancillary services in V2X (Vehicle-to X: X=home, buildings and grid) applications Yeong Yoo, Senior Research Officer, NRC-EME, NRC
16:45-17:15 Transformations at the Grid Edge — Technical Challenges and Emerging Technologies Marc Lacroix, eMcREY

Friday, November 30

Friday Tours

The following tours will be available for those not participating in the executive meeting.

09:30-10:00 NRC’s Co-generation and Heating Plant Tour Leader: Gilles Leclair, NRC
Steam production is provided by 4 boilers with an additional boost from a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) given the cogeneration aspect of our facility. The gas turbine generator forms the basis of this cogeneration having an electrical power output of 4.5 MW. This is the only installation of its kind in a Federal Government facility.
In addition to steam and electrical production, compressed air is also supplied to the various campus buildings for usage by our researchers. Through a complex network of tunnels, the steam, compressed air and electricity is distributed to the various campus buildings as part of a centralized system.
10:15-10:45 NRC Canadian Centre for Housing Technologies Tour Leader: Heather Knudsen, NRC
The National Research Council has constructed two new facilities in 2017 at the Canadian Centre for Housing Technologies: the Semi-detached net zero energy ready Twin Test House Facility and Microgrid Testbed. The new facility is currently undertaking a capital upgrade project to install a (building-level) nanogrid comprised of a 6.5 kW PV array and 10.5 kWh battery storage on each housing unit. The Microgrid Testbed is the platform for electrical and thermal grids. The tour will give an overview of R&D, M&V and demonstration projects at the CCHT facilities and will introduce the features of the new facilities.
11:00-11:30 NRC’s High Voltage Laboratory Tour Leader: Branislav Djokic, NRC
The NRC Metrology Research Centre provides internationally recognized competence and leadership in developing and maintaining national physical measurement standards and associated science and technology. Its Electrical Power Measurements (EPM) group develops and maintains standards, instrumentation, calibration procedures and new technology in the area of electrical power measurements to meet the present and anticipated measurement needs of the Canadian electrical power industry and utilities.
The tour of EPM High Voltage (HV) Lab will entail the facilities for calibrations of AC and DC Current Transformers (AC: up to 60 kA in house, 5 kA on-site; DC: up to 20 kA); Rogowski Coils (up to 40 kA); HV Transformers, Dividers and Capacitors (up to 500 kV in house, 250 kV on-site); Electricity Meters under sinusoidal and nonsinusoidal conditions (up to 600 V, 200A); AC and DC Resistance (from 100 μΩ to 1 MΩ); HV DC and Impulse calibrations (up to 300 kV); Load Loss Measurements (up to 250 kV, 2 kA on-site); and Dielectric Measurements for assessing operating conditions and remaining life of HV power apparatus in service.

Friday Talks