Welcome to the IEEE Nuclear Power Engineering Committee (NPEC) Website!
NPEC is one of the Technical Committees of the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES). NPEC scope covers all nuclear power related technical and standards writing activities within the IEEE. NPEC’s principal subcommittees cover Equipment Qualification; Operating, Aging, Maintenance, Testing and Reliability; Auxiliary Power; Human Factors and Control Facilities and Safety Related Systems.

NPEC Scope

Treatment of matters relating to the electrical aspects of nuclear engineering including the advancement of standards, research, development, and the advancement of nuclear engineering with students and educational institutions.

Included in the treatment of standards is the sponsorship and development of basic criteria for integrated nuclear systems and the coordination of: (1) the approvals, (2) scopes, and (3) development of system and equipment standards.

Matters relating to the development of standards for individual equipment or system designs applied to nuclear technology may be covered jointly with certain other technical committees such as Switchgear, Energy Development and Power Generation, etc., or may be generated exclusively by the technical committee.

Maintain close liaison with other technical societies, groups, agencies and associations concerned with nuclear technology and utilize their services when deemed appropriate. Included in these liaison activities is the prominent lead responsibility for (1) the development of Power Engineering Society responses to requests for comments on Governmental Regulatory Guides and other nuclear technology documents and (2) the coordination of matters relating to reliability, human factors, accreditation and similar subjects for nuclear facilities.