• CFP: Special Issue on Transactive Energy

    CALL FOR PAPERS   IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS Special Issue on: “Transactive Approaches to Integration of Flexible Demand and Distributed Generation”   Please find a PDF of this CFP here.   Topic Electricity as a sustainable energy carrier plays a central role in the most effective transition scenarios towards a sustainable energy system. To… Read more

  • IEEE Power and Energy Magazine Article

    Koen Kok and Steve Widergren wrote an article on intelligent systems support for transactive energy systems. The article appeared in the current version of the IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, which is a special issue on transactive energy. Link to the article on IEEE Xplore: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7452756. Link … Read more

  • IEEE Webinar on Transactive Energy

    Working group members Leigh Tesfatsion, Steve Widergren and Koen Kok presented an IEEE Smart Grid Webinar on Transactive Energy Systems earier this month. You can access the recording of the webinar at: http://smartgrid.ieee.org/resources/webinars/past-webinars?eid=66&m=d7ad069d3940ebcaaf9ce65812521293. Read more

  • Tutorial rated high by the participants

    Leigh Tesfatsion, Steve Widergren and Koen Kok gave a tutorial on intelligent systems support for transactive energy systems. The tutorial very good feedback from the participants through the anonymous feedback forms filled in after the event. The average score was an 4.5 out of 5. … Read more

  • Website URL change

    On March 1st 2011 the IEEE sites WordPress trial ended, resulting in all group websites being moved to a new production server.  This means that the PES MAS working group website can now be found at: http://site.ieee.org/pes-mas/ The old address redirects here, however you should still update … Read more

  • New working group website launched!

    The IEEE Power and Energy Society Multi-Agent Systems Working Group is pleased to announce the launch of its new website! The new site features information on multi-agent technology focussed on power industry applications, with the aim of identifying and disseminating the details of key technical challenges for … Read more