Working Group on Intelligent Data Mining and Analysis (IDMA)

Intelligent data mining and Analysis is a advanced technology in information processing to extract rules and knowledge from large database systematically and analyze the nonlinear relationship between input and output variables in complex problems or phenomena. Data mining is a mature application in other areas like marketing. It is however relatively recent that the power industry has shown an interest in these techniques.

Activities for the WG include:

  • Organization of panel session
  • Paper sessions
  • Tutorials
  • Review of industry practices
  • Review of state of the art


Working Group on Intelligent Control Systems

Intelligent control of power systems includes the application of computational intelligence techniques such as neural networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary computing, swarm intelligence and adaptive critic designs for the control and optimization of all the elements that make up a power system ranging from the power plant through the transmission and distribution networks to the end user.

This WG should:

  • Develop and standardize terminologies and definitions, and publish reports in appropriate PES Transactions.
  • Recommend areas of research.
  • Organize panel sessions at various PES meetings.
  • Organize special sessions at various PES meetings.
  • Organize tutorials at various PES meetings.
  • Report on task force activities to the subcommittee.
  • Assist conference organizers and Transactions Editors with paper reviews.


Working Group on Multi-Agent Systems (MAS)

Multi-agent systems are an emerging technology which supports a variety of complex automation and communication task thus facilitating the integration of local and supervisory control. A multi-agent system is comprised of independent and autonomous software modules which are able to cooperate and negotiate with one another.

Activities for the WG include:

  • Review of state of the art
  • Review of industry practices
  • Organization of panel session
  • Organization of Paper sessions
  • Organization of Tutorials


Working Group on Modern Heuristic Optimization

The Working Group will identify emerging technological developments in computational intelligence and create TFs to work on panels and tutorials on the application of these developments in power systems. The temporary WG webpage is available here.

Competition on “Application of Modern Heuristic Optimization Algorithms for Solving Optimal Power Flow Problems”:



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