PES has gone with the following two strategies in response to Open Access publication policy and strategy of IEEE.

  1. Have a dedicated SECTION for the publication in the field of interest (FoI) of PES in IEEE Access (effective from January 2020)
  2. Have a society sponsored journal: IEEE Open Journal of Power and Energy (effective from January 2020)

In strategy (1), all the accepted papers after a successful peer review will be published in IEEE ACCESS and usually the income from this publication is retained by the IEEE corporate. But the society will receive a large share of the publication revenue ONLY when published papers were submitted through our SECTION. IEEE Access will make this option available to authors in the submission portal. I will appreciate if you encourage and promote paper submissions through PES SECTION  in IEEE ACCESS.

In respect of (1) IEEE TAB has appointed three Editors based on our recommendation for the PES SECTION in IEEE ACCESS:

It is my pleasure to introduce you to the following three Editors:  I am sure you will join me in congratulating and welcoming them.

Pierluigi Siano

Prof Pierluigi Siano, University of Salerno (

Guangya Yang

Dr. Guangya Yang, Denmark Technical University (

Ravindra Singh

Dr. Ravindra Singh, Principal Distribution Engineer, DOE-Argonne National Lab, Chicago (

Strategy (2) IEEE Open Journal of Power and Energy

  1. IEEE Open Access Journal on Power and Energy is approved by the TAB in June 2019 Board series meeting. It will be fully PES sponsored journal effective from January 2020.
  2. The scope covers entire FoI of PES – both academic and practice-oriented articles will be published
  3. It will be fully digital and volume only publication
  4. APC $1350 for first 8-pages, $150 per page for paper exceeding 8 pages
  5. Authors with international reputation will be invited to write articles where society will cover the APC. Authors from developing country with financial hardship may be helped by the society depending on the circumstances for the first couple of years.
  6. PETS-J will discontinue after December 2019
  7. With help from Maria Proetto, VP Publications is leading the effort to coordinate with relevant people in IEEE publications to roll out a smooth launch of the journal
  8. New EIC position was advertised and candidates have been interviewed.


Bikash Pal
Vice-President Publications, IEEE PES