
On Aug 18, 2016, IEEE Region 4 held a workshop on Smart Grid and Microgrid Technologies with DER-CAM Training at the Illinois Institute Technology (IIT) in Chicago. The objective of the workshop is to introduce smart grid technologies including communication networks, controls, switches and database management in the morning with the afternoon discussions focused on microgrid implementations with the applications of the Distributed Energy Resources Customer Adoption Model (DER-CAM) with real examples based on feasibility studies conducted for New York Prize projects and IIT’s Microgrid Expansion Planning Study.

The workshop was a great success which draw over 210 participants ranging from industry, academia to research institutions. IEEE Region 4 Director, Dr. Bernie Sanders, gave an opening speech on the objective and background of the workshop. The chair of the local organizing committee, Prof. Mohammad Shahidehpour from IIT, also addressed the workshop participants. A number of smart grid and microgrid experts presented at the workshop and actively participated in the subsequent panel discussions.

The program was concluded with a tour of the IIT Microgrid, one of the first and most successful deployments of microgrid and distributed energy resources in the U.S.

The report on the IIT Microgrid Expansion Planning Study is available at

View the workshop agenda here…


